October 27, 2008

Nature Walk

I've been asked to work on a personal project for a friend. Part of the project, is being outside capturing some of God's most beautiful work~ Plants. In particular, "green" is the color I'm looking for, but I could not help but be distracted by all of the other gorgeous colors outside surrounding us right now. The leaves are obviously changing, and all the green is suddenly disappearing, but there are still so many vibrant & striking colors outside. I discovered that it's not going to be as easy as I thought finding "green" this time of year, but I take it as a fun challenge to get outside and see what I come up with. (We'll see what happens!)  
Here are just a few of my findings from our nature walk this past weekend. Although they are not all "green" I thought they were beautiful and worth sharing. It's just a little reminder of how AMAZING God is!